- /AAS/CHE/yoblinski/Inorganic/

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8/23/2016 1:57 PM 14780823 1. Lewis and VSEPR.pptx
11/6/2016 9:43 PM 21223130 10. carbonyl chemistry.pptx
11/17/2017 6:53 PM 8867845 11. Ligand Field Theory.pptx
4/13/2014 6:46 PM 28922172 12. JT sq pl tet.pptx
4/23/2013 7:00 PM 42337395 13. Electronic Spectra part 1.pptx
4/29/2014 2:25 PM 3550756 13. Electronic Spectra part 2.pptx
5/2/2014 7:38 AM 2350007 14. UV-Vis spectrab.pptx
8/28/2016 2:55 PM 36858 2. Nomenclature review.pptx
9/20/2016 7:23 PM 20494309 3. Symmetry.pptx
2/17/2014 10:42 AM 31382016 3b. Structure of atom part 2.ppt
9/22/2016 9:33 PM 20374958 4a. Structure of atom part 1.pptx
9/27/2016 9:14 PM 31116234 4b. Structure of atom part 2.pptx
9/29/2016 5:18 PM 10265826 5. Periodic trends.pptx
10/11/2016 5:25 PM 27522538 6. MO bonding.pptx
10/16/2016 7:21 PM 48230959 7. ionic solids.pptx
10/20/2016 4:58 PM 16348440 8. crystal defects.pptx
10/31/2016 9:11 AM 8467950 9. coordination complexes.pptx
10/30/2016 9:09 PM 41235 blank ppt.pptx
4/28/2015 12:17 PM 232798 Chris Boehlert.MOV
8/27/2017 6:01 PM <dir> finished
4/28/2015 12:17 PM 694950 Jack McInytre.MOV
1/14/2014 1:01 PM 929219 periodic table.pptx
9/6/2016 12:50 PM 5140345 retina.pptx
4/28/2015 12:16 PM 1020675 Ryan Williamson.MOV
3/26/2013 3:07 PM 22016 Video of NI3 detonation.doc