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8/20/2014 5:07 PM 493957 Amphibians 20 August 2014 working copy.xlsx
8/19/2014 4:47 PM 66025 ASU Cat. 1 #1-7500.pdf.htm
8/19/2014 4:54 PM <dir> ASU Cat. 1 #1-7500.pdf_files
8/19/2014 4:49 PM 66330 ASU Cat. 2 #7501-15000.pdf.htm
8/19/2014 4:49 PM <dir> ASU Cat. 2 #7501-15000.pdf_files
8/19/2014 4:53 PM 66365 ASU Cat. 4 #22461-26720.pdf.htm
8/19/2014 4:53 PM <dir> ASU Cat. 4 #22461-26720.pdf_files
8/4/2014 11:42 AM 11780 Book3.xlsx
8/19/2014 4:50 PM 66039 Cat. 3 #15001-22460.pdf.htm
12/5/2014 1:39 PM <dir> Cat. 3 #15001-22460.pdf_files
3/3/2014 2:27 PM 37620 catalog 26176 3 III 2014.xlsx
2/28/2014 12:08 PM 37422 catalog 26176.xlsx
7/7/2014 12:38 PM 44374 Copy of catalog 26176 3 III 2014.xlsx
7/31/2014 10:19 AM 865440 Copy of Collection Catalogue Masterr sheet (Autosaved).xlsx
5/12/2014 4:06 PM 23249 Dakota labels smallest.docx
4/29/2013 9:54 AM 20657 Document1.pdf
3/31/2015 12:49 PM <dir> ETSU Loan June 2014
3/31/2015 12:49 PM <dir> Field Number Catalogues
8/5/2014 6:21 PM 91780 Geda and Walker catalogue numbers.xlsx
8/4/2014 12:30 PM 13727 Herp Specimens Prepared Fall 2009.xlsx
1/16/2014 5:56 PM 17239 labelstemplate smallest.docx
5/6/2012 9:05 AM 193113 Mammals May 6 2012.xlsx
7/31/2014 10:20 AM 104448 Mammology collections 2000-2008 (Autosaved).xls
3/19/2014 5:32 PM 16633 Mike&Dakota labels SC trip.docx
7/7/2014 12:39 PM 13353 NC.docx
12/27/2003 6:24 PM 744677 Nycticeus humeralis 21.jpg
12/27/2003 6:26 PM 734122 Nycticeus humeralis 22.jpg
12/27/2003 6:28 PM 857999 Nycticeus humeralis 23.jpg
8/20/2014 3:11 PM 722959 Reptiles 20 August 2014 working copy.xlsx
7/7/2014 12:40 PM 22355 Small label sheet.docx
10/1/2013 3:04 PM 19968 Small label sheet222.docx
5/5/2015 12:33 PM <dir> Student collections
8/2/2014 9:08 PM 16023 Susans20.xlsx
4/23/2014 1:49 PM 114999 Zets catalogue numbers working copy 2.xlsx
7/31/2014 10:19 AM 115019 Zets catalogue numbers working copy 3.xlsx
5/12/2014 4:07 PM 70694 Zets catalogue numbers working copy.xlsx
8/1/2014 2:40 PM 115037 Zets catalogue numbersedited by RWV.xlsx